Welcome to the Cards and Payment Series Videos . You will find the link to my youtube channel here . I make these videos whenever I can and release at a frequency of about one video per week or probably a bit lesser but every video uploaded is pure content made from the heart attempting to explain the subject as 'ezeely' as possible . If you are already aware of the Cards and Payments Domain or have worked in it in the past or are working in it currently then you may not need to start from the first video. However , if you are a beginner then I will strongly recommend to start from the first video .One step at a time .
So check out these videos here ( use the link and paste in your browser or simply click on the video link below)
When you are done watching the videos , you must ask yourself 2 questions :
Have I understood the topic ? If the Answer is Yes go to Step 2 . If the Answer is No then I will recommend watching the videos again , doing some more research online or leave a comment in the video and I will try to answer your query as soon as I can
After you are done watching the videos , try the Payments Quiz and see how many questions you can answer ? If you get incorrect answers , review the videos again to ensure you get the topic understood
And thats pretty much it ! Nice and Easy . So start your payments learning journey here ! Wishing you all the very best for a bright and successful career ahead :)
Yours Sincerely,